Thursday, 14 July 2011

The Return of Angela Buttress

My dearest Bloggowers,

As you may have noticed, I have been MIA for the last couple days. The fact is, hauling our large concrete slab 5 kilometres took it out of me, and I contracted a ghastly illness. I am assuming it is the Black Death because that would fit in nicely with our medieval theme. But, the good news is I am back and primed for some bread oven building adventures this weekend. Jessie and I have procured 99% of the materials needed to construct our terra cotta pot oven (we have been unable to locate an acceptable child's hoe, but feel that we are capable of improvising), and are planning to commence said construction tomorrow at 17:00.

The purchasing and transport of the concrete slab and associated slate tiles is an epic tale on par with the works of Homer and Virgil. We battled the elements and the censure of Home Depot employees, and yet still managed to achieve our lofty goal; the concrete slab rests peacefully in my garage, never hinting at the trials and tribulations that its every move creates. The only difference between our journey and the Iliad is that we took pictures and videos of our epic, which I am guessing will soon be made available to our loyal followers. In fact, I am quite excited to see them myself.

So if you find yourself asking, "Just when will I find out whether building a medieval oven is possible, when, when will I at last be able to see the outcomes of this monumentous endeavour for myself!?" Then tighten up your ship because I already told you. Tomorrow. 


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