Monday, 25 July 2011

Lots and lots of pictures.

The start of our oven.

Walls mostly completed.

Starting to balance the roof.

Building the fire. Using grass and matches. Much harder than lighter fluid and a lighter.

Bags 'o Beer Scum. And their lovely creator.

A skull. Things you find in the forest while looking for sticks and dirt.

Heating the water to add the barm to.

Kneading the dough.

First batch of bread, into the oven.

The other bag of barm.

It's a bun in the oven. Shortly after this, we discover our failure. There isn't a picture of that though.


Lots of mud.

Our good Samaritan. Piling cans of ash on the oven for better insulation.

Starting to re-fire our baby.

Grass. And logs to keep it from blowing away.

The bread, the book, the axe.


  1. Very interesting. How long would it take to build an oven like this one ? How long would it last with the mud ? Days ? weeks ?

  2. Total construction time was pretty low. An hour maybe? With the mud, you would have to refresh it a fair bit. Had we access to clay, (which would have been much better) we would have used clay, and that would have lasted a lot longer.

    As to how long this would have lasted if we hadn't had to take it down? I have no idea. ;)
