Sunday, 17 July 2011


Sincerest apologies dearest bread-lovers
We have been on a mission to create and conquer the medieval ovens that we have chosen.  Krista and Karen were planning on creating the whole experience and going out to Sooke and camping whilst the stone oven is created.  On the other hand, Angela and I have spent most of today (Sunday) building the oven and so far everything has gone according to plan.  More information to come, just be patient dear bread-lovers, messages like these took probably 2 days to get from sender to recipient, while modern-day technologies (ie. internet) takes only 2 seconds.


PS- in a recent turn of events, the amount of bread that we possess has been drastically cut due to a ferociously hungry beast named Sophie.  As well, the house was nearly burnt down, but George (the hamdyman) came and saved the day...yet again.
PPS- the "heat withstanding tiles" do not withstand heat, do not use.  Tile explosion will occur

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